It's like Jenna with an "L".

I'm a 2x corporate dropout who now runs a business helping ex-corporate business owners get sales from their social media content by being their shameless Baddie selves.

I'm a massive believer that you should settle for nothing less than your most delusionally dreamy soulmate "pie-in-the-sky" ideal clients in your business. They're ready to invest big, they put in the work to get incredible results & most importantly you can be your full self around. The types of clients you started your business for.

I started the Baddie movement to help women step into who they really are in their content & their business so they can attract high-calibre clients they're obsessed with.

Let's get you your own "pie-in-the-sky" high calibre clients for your offers you truly believe in.


hey baddie

You're worried that putting your quirky/awkward/silly personality in your content will be "too much" for your ideal client and they won't want to work with you. So you end up watering your message & yourself down in your content & struggle to attract your ideal *dream* clients.

you want to be your authentic self in your content, but...

tell me if this sounds familiar…

Multiple Group Programs

My coaching Journey expanded and I created several group programs making me continuous 5-figure sales every month


Pivoted from done-for-you services to coaching

After hitting my first $10k month with my done-for-you LinkedIn profile high-ticket service, I decided to get into coaching to be able to serve more clients in less time & keep a breezier schedule. I ended up replacing my corporate salary working 4-6 hours per day.


Quit my corporate job AGAIN

I realized I no longer fit into corporate as an entrepreneur & decided to attempt building a business for the 7th time helping business owners get clients on LinkedIn.

fall 2022

Burnt out & went back to coprorate

I publicly announced I was done with entrepreneurship after 19 months and went back to being a product manager in tech, thinking I'd never be an entrepreneur again.

fall 2021

Quit my corporate job

I tested 6 business ideas that all failed and ended up building a personal brand & audience on LinkedIn by sharing my journey openly during COVID.




-Chantel Bettencourt

After working with Lena, I landed two dream clients that were SOOOO easy to deal with and people I was actually excited to work with !  They have also been my two highest paid clients :) I no longer discount my services.

-Monica Restrepo

With one reel hitting 118k views and our story views increasing by almost 100% in just a week of implementing your story flow, we’re honestly amazed and so thankful for the results - thank you! 

-Lauren Hale

Marzipan lollipop marzipan cotton candy dragée. Ice cream candy canes marzipan jelly gummi bears jelly sesame snaps macaroon cookie. Chocolate cake carrot cake apple pie. 

Gummies cake marzipan sweet roll gummies marshmallow.


Get instant access to 5 Baddie mindset audio drops (2-5min each) from inside my Next Level Baddie program my clients have used to do crazy sh*t like $6k sales days, 4-figure pre-sale launches & 21 humans inside an in-person event. Welcome to your daily dose of Baddie Energy. 😈✨

Baddie Energy Audio Bundle